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Twelve days climb

AP 2 Dec 10 – Dec 22

Our second team of this season just left Mendoza. This group will climb the highest mountain in America in 12 days!

They came to the mountain already pre – acclimatized, using an Altitude Training System – Hypoxic tent where they acclimatized before. Regular Aconcagua trips are 20 days long. but this expedition will last only 12 days. The team will have the same chance to successfully get a shot at the summit of Aconcagua because of previous acclimatization.

Guided by the experiments guides Wes Bunch and Bernardo Oliver, this time they will do the normal route. The climbers left the city early this morning to begin their hike towards Camp Confluence where they will spend the nigth and then reach the base camp Plaza de Mulas (14,340 ft).

Before that we shared a meeting and a welcoming dinner in Mendoza where we all enjoyed the local food and the wines that Mendoza always offer.

Five climbers and two guides began an experience that will surely change their lives. They are a nice team and they are going to have great time on the mountain.

We attach the clasic picture of the group before leaving Mendoza.

We will post more news when they call us





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