Our Success Rate
Since 1984, Aventuras Patagonicas has lead a total of 411 expeditions to Aconcagua. In 40 years, we have guided over 3,300 clients successfully on Aconcagua. A couple of seasons back, we achieved a 100% success rate on Aconcagua, and we are extremely proud of this accomplishment.

100% Success Rate Aconcagua Season 2011/12, 2019/20, & 2022/23
Congratulations to all our Clients and Guides for making this possible.
During each of these seasons, all of our expeditions reached the summit via our Ameghino Valley Route - the best non technical route up the mountain. We believe this route truly is one of the best high altitude climbs on earth!
This is an amazing achievement that very few guide companies can claim. We continue to have the highest success rate among companies that guide on the mountain as well as maintaining our impeccable safety record. Despite guiding thousands of clients, we've never had an accident or casualty in 40 years of operation. We intend to keep it this way!
Join one of our expeditions for an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of this majestic mountain. Email us or call us if you have any questions.