Hubertus Guenther

Spokane, WA 99224(509) 838-154310/20/96
Peter Lewis
Executive Director
American Mountain Guides Association
710 Tenth Street, Suite 101
Golden, Colorado 80401

Re: Aventuras Patagonicas

For the past five years have I known Mr. Mujica and Bonnie Schwahn as Guides both on Denali and Aconcagua. I personally have been twice on expeditions with his company, Aventuras Patagonicas, on Aconcagua. I also feel I have a fair assessment of guide companies and their quality of guides.

I am very pleased to inform you that Aventuras Patagonicas scores a solid A+ in virtually all areas:

-The cost of the Aconcagua expedition is less than others I was aware of.
-Their information and communication before the climb are thorough, helpful and geared toward your individual needs. Someone is always available.
-Once in South America you find yourself in the top hotels available. You feel safe, looked after and entertained in a tasteful first class manner. Everyone goes out of their way to show you the interesting parts of the Chilean culture, which of course as locals only they can do.
-The arrangements for the hike-in and climb are flawless and professional. Nothing is left to chance. You begin to feel in competent and safe hands. The equipment is state of the art. On both of my expeditions the tents were brand new, a trademark of the Company.
-Once on the mountain you begin to realize what a superb guide Rodrigo Mujica really is. He is very sensitive to his clients, anticipates their strengths, their weaknesses and uniquenesses. The food is good and plenty as I have ever had on a mountain. Most important he is a safe top notch climber and knows Aconcagua better than any person I know, to the point that guides of other companies rely on his input, decisions and judgment, especially in tight spots. Truly, cowboys, rangers, guides, and climbers alike consider Rodrigo as Mr. Aconcagua. You feel he owns the mountain. His summit success ratio speaks by itself and you know if anyone can get you to the summit, Rodrigo will.
-On the way down, you get surprised with all kind of niceties. While other companies camp at Plaza de Mulas, we stayed at the hotel, showered, ate quasi restaurant food and slept in beds. What a treat and all part of the package fee. At the trailhead watermelon and beer was waiting for us, followed by an incredible feast of a meal, followed by another first class hotel in Santiago, which again is part of the fee. An evening of dinner and top entertainment are followed by a sad good bye.

If you dont already know by now, in my opinion Aventuras Patagonicas is a first class act. I recommend them highly and you are welcome to give out my name for future references. As busy as our lives are, one does not want to go wrong and expose oneself to three weeks of misery or possibly danger. Both of my trips with this company were marvelous, safe and extremely enjoyable.



Hubertus Guenther, Spokane, WA

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