O2 Saturation Readings

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On each of Aventuras Patagonicas Expeditions, oxygen saturation readings are taken daily for each client. We use pulse oximeters to daily monitor your acclimatization, by checking your oxygen saturation level. The procedure is harmless and easily done within seconds. This process gives us a tremendous amount of information about your acclimatization process and we have found it essential to the safety of our clients. We have attached below a sample of the readings of one of our Expeditions from last season. O2 saturation and heart rate are giving at each camp.

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The first number is the O2 Saturation and the second is heart rate.

Tom Lynn Diana Isolina David Gernot Mike Ana
Mendoza 12/16 98/63 97/63 95/85 95/73 97/102 90/69 94/79 95/65
Penitentes 12/17 92/82 91/96 92/98 92/69 89/94 96/87 93/76 98/69
P.Leña 12/18 87/96 87/105 90/125 88/87 91/94 94/94 91/75 93/75
C.Piedra 12/19 88/92 86/126 85/94 83/88 92/110 87/110 91/75 90/82
Base 12/20 85/87 78/90* 85/125 89/79 87/94 92/73 91/74 94/74
Base 12/22 85/96* 76/80* 82/78* 91/87* 92/82* 89/75* 90/61* 90/72
C1 12/22 75/92 x 74/95 69/110 79/110 91/92 85/75 90/74
C1 12/23 75/107 x 75/117 79/115 80/113 78/125 85/72 87/81
C1 12/24 80/90* x 72/96* 79/88* 92/100* 88/93* 85/79 90/80
C2 12/24 68/115 x 70/92 67/113 70/102 74/99 82/94 81/94
C2 12/25 73/105* x 64/85 68/105* 79/80* 80/100* 74/68* 76/82
C3 12/25 68/102 x 68/119 66/125 68/96 79/115 73/81 72/94
C3 12/26 71/90 x 68/75 67/102 74/95 78/98 74/80 81/78
C4 12/27 73/90 x 71/80 64/108 83/85 78/89 78/87 84/80
C4 12/28 66/113 x 67/120 68/125 69/104 70/85 75/94 80/93
P.Mulas 12/30 73/88 x 66/75 67/129 74/107 88/88 75/78 75/87
Penitentes 1/1/2003 93/66 x 95/83 94/66 94/80 95/70 92/76 98/101


* = Resting Pulse (morning, before getting out of bed)
x = Lynn needed to leave the expedition after Base Camp due to health problems

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