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Our 400th expedition begins!

A.P. 2 (Dec. 9 – 20, 2023)

We’re so glad to announce our 400th expedition has started!

Wow! We can’t even believe it ourselves… 400 expeditions guided to Aconcagua safely in 39 years since 1984!

A feat that can not be claimed by anyone working on the mountain. We are very proud of this and we thank all our clients during this 4 decades of loyalty, determination and hard work climbing up Aconcagua.

The 400th expedition is a great team and we wish them the best on this new adventure, we at Aventuras Patagonicas, still get very excited about each group that we guide up Aconcagua.

This motivated team met at the city yesterday and shared dinner together.

They left the city this morning and after a 3-hour drive, they got to the trailhead. They’re hiking along the Horcones Valley towards Confluencia Camp. They’ll spend the night there and tomorrow they’ll continue the hike to Base Camp.

This 12-day expedition is led by our experienced guide Rolo Abaca, who is assisted by Florencia Torres and Guillermo De Haro. They are taking a satellite phone to keep us updated.

Rolo is hoping to achieve his 40th summit on the trip! Our 400th!

Looking forward to a great expedition!

The Aventuras Patagonicas Team

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