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Our 9th expedition is ready to start a great adventure!

A.P. 9 Feb. 10 – Mar. 1

We met this great team at Mendoza! They had a meeting with the guides and went through all the details of the itinerary. After that, they shared a meal, tasting some typical steaks and local wines.

This group of seven climbers is led by the experienced guide Wesley Bunch and assisted by Adrián Jiménez and Angela Cardenas.

They all left the city and went to Penitentes to spend the night there. They will soon start the 3-day approach hike that will take them to Plaza Argentina Base Camp at 13,800′.

We are attaching a picture of the group before leaving the hotel and another one having dinner together.

The guides are taking a satellite phone with them to keep us updated.

Looking forward to a great expedition! We will keep you informed!

The Aventuras Patagonicas Team

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